Bulletins 1200 26th April 2017

  • 7 years ago
ISLAMABAD: In his remarks on Dawnleaks, Opposition Leader in National Assembly Syed Khursheed Shah on Wednesday said that government would make low ranked government employees scapegoats to wind up the issue, ARY News reported.

“Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has already admitted that the committee formed to probe the scandal lacks collective consensus”, he said.

Predicting that nothing significant would come out as result of the investigation, Shah opined that the government deliberately made a fuss over the issue while lamenting no accused would be brought to justice.

The opposition leader also lambasted Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan for his high claims of launching safe-city project. Shah said, “These are mere claims, snatching incidents in Islamabad are sheer failure of the government to protect even diplomats”, he added.

He alleged that the safe-city project costs Rs seven billion but failed to protect even the foreign embassy staff and diplomats.

Coming to Newsgate scandal, he said that the information which was leaked helped anti-state elements to widen rift between the government and the military leadership.

He vowed to foil every plot aimed to divide opposition parties on Panamagate verdict by stating that Imran Khan is a clever politician and the opposition parties would collectively intensify their campaign against the government.