Capricorn May 2017 Astrology Predictions : Ability To Gain Cooperation From Others Brings Success

  • 7 years ago
The planetary power shifted from theindependent Eastern sector on April 28th to the Western Social sector. The focus is now on others and their needs.

Yield to others will especially if it is not destructive. Self confidence and self-esteem are not at their best right now. And, your way might not be the best way. It is your ability to get on with others- to gain their cooperation and their grace – that brings success.

The planetary power is still mostly below the horizon in the bottom half of your chart. Even your career planet will spend the entire month in your 4th house. The home and family is the career these days. This is your mission.

Venus is now moving forward however, and career issues are becoming clearer. But you are still building the psychological foundations for your next career push- which will begin very soon.

Health is much improved this month. If there are any pre- existing conditions they seem in abeyance now. Mars in your 6th house shows the importance of physical exercise and correct diet.

Mercury travels with Uranus Your Financial Planet, for an unusually long time from the 1st to the 11th. This is a good financial period, it shows financial increase and good financial ideas. There is good money through your communication with people.

Mars your family planet makes a very nice aspect to Jupiter from the 10th to the 14th. This shows good family support the prosperity of a elders or parent figures too and luck in all your investments.

On the 20th the Sun enters your 6th house of health and work making it a house of power for the rest of the month. This is also a wonderful aspect for job seekers, as Mercury the work planet moves forward on the 3rd so there is more clarity at your work.

The overall social life becomes stronger from the 20th onwards as there will invo9lvement with group activities. Your financial intuition will be strong and guidance comes through your dreams, psychics or spiritual channels.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat
