Vlog 018 - Off The Rails

  • il y a 7 ans
A few years ago we started a partnership with Altissimo​, the biggest climbing gym company in France. The idea was to share our stories and adventures with their clients, showing them all the wonderful things climbing can bring, as well as run a "masterclass day", 1 day per year at each of their gyms. The only problem with that... the Altissimo network is getting bigger every year, which means a lit of time on the train... It's time to brush up on your french geography!

So what is a "masterclass"?

Climbing is a very natural sport for humans, but it is still a sport. There are so many little bits and bobs you can do to make climbing "easier", and if you climb for long enough and keep an open mind you may discover a lot of these yourself. But life is short, and if there is one thing we all don't have enough of it is time. Having someone show you what to do and explain why it works, can drastically change your climbing and open up many new doors.

I was lucky enough to have a 1 on 1 coaching day with Johnny Dawes​ when I was young, and I still consider it to have been one of the most important, influential days of my climbing life. It not only showed me a new climbing style, but also gave me a new way to look at climbing, and would to some extent, define the climber I would become! Whilst our masterclasses might not have the extreme effect of Johnny's, if we can make climbing easier and more enjoyable for just a small group of people every year, it makes all the travelling worth while...

Here is Once Upon A Climb​'s Vlog 018 - Off the Rails
