History in Hindsight – Canadian Women Left Defenceless

  • 7 years ago
It’s time to stop apologizing for the past

On May 27, Barack Obama became the first sitting United States president to visit Hiroshima, the site of history’s first atomic attack on August 6, 1945. The Japanese Government did not ask Obama for an apology, nor did he offer one.

On December 27, Shinzo Abe will become the first Japanese prime minister to visit Pearl Harbor, site of the Japanese attack on the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet on December 7, 1941. The US Government has not asked Abe for an apology, nor is he expected to offer one.

Some Japanese citizens, especially those who survived or lost loved ones in Hiroshima, believe an American apology is warranted.


Justin Trudeau to apologize for historic persecution of gay Canadians


Gabriel Yiu: Why the B.C. government is apologizing to the Chinese

The following is the stated mandate of the B.C. government’s process for giving an apology to the Chinese community:

“These consultation forums are intended to seek input from British Columbia’s Chinese community associations and individuals and family descendants of those impacted by past historical wrongs.”


Women Defending Themselves is ‘Unrealistic and Offensive,’ Says Canadian Minister

Our neighbors to the North get a lot of things right: hockey, Labatt Blue, ketchup chips, The Tragically Hip — but one thing they get totally wrong is personal defense.

Yes, in Canada, the government would much rather have the people it serves be victims than armed defenders. The proof is in the country’s ridiculous laws regulating guns and less-lethal implements of self-defense. Under the Criminal Code of Canada, it is illegal for one to carry a product designed to injure, immobilize, and/or incapacitate another person.

In other words, not only are firearms off limits for discreet carry but so too are items like tasers and pepper spray.


Why are women in Canada denied even pepper or bear spray to defend themselves against attack?

The violent attack on Julie Paskall of British Columbia, police suspect robbery to be the motive, caused me to revisit an issue which has long been disturbing.

Women in Canada (men too, but let me focus on our wives, mothers, sisters and daughters) are denied by criminal law the right to carry something as fundamentally protecting as pepper or bear spray.

Why do we tolerate this? Why do we permit federal politicians to sell us the dangerous nonsense that for a woman to carry pepper or bear spray is more dangerous to the woman than carrying, nothing? Forget the self-serving argument that an attacker may wrestle the pepper or bear spray from your mother, sister, wife or daughter. If the most important women in your life were carrying such basic protection they would have an opportunity to disable an attacker temporarily and escape.


Pepper spray and mace should be legalized for self-defence, Leitch says

Conservative leadership hopeful Kellie Leitch says Canadians should be allowed to legally use mace and pepper spray for self defence.

“Though this policy will legalize mace and pepper spray for self-defence for all Canadians, my thoughts around this issue are primarily with Canadian women,” Leitch said in a prepared statement on Thursday.

“In our country today, far too many women are victims of physical and sexual violence,” said Leitch, MP for Simcoe-Grey.

She vowed to clarify the law surrounding the use of mace and pepper spray.

