Ranbir Kapoor: 'What you see on screen, don't try that at home'

  • 7 years ago
Ranbir Kapoor, who will be next seen in Anurag Kashyap's Bombay Velvet, has cautioned his audience that they should not try and emulate what their favourite stars do on screen. A Salman Khan fan recently copied a stunt from the actor's latest release Kick and when Ranbir was asked to give a reaction on it, he said, ''Any form of art makes an impression on viewers but before every film, commercial or TV serial we run a disclaimer that audiences should not try this at home. We have been hearing about such incidents since the time of Superman. Fans used to tie a red cloth as a cape around their necks and jump from their buildings thinking that they too would be able to fly. I don't want to say that we are right and they are not but I just want to make it clear that there are a lots of tricks, harnesses and precautions behind what we do on screen. What you see on screen, don't try that at home.'' Hope our young enthusiasts will take his advice.
