Sonam Kapoor: 'I always speak my heart out'

  • 7 years ago
Sonam Kapoor, who is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film Khoobsurat, believes that in order to be Khoobsurat, one must be beautiful from within. At a recent interview, when the actress was asked if she considers herself Khoobsurat, she said, ''I fight with everyone (laughs). It won't be right for me to call myself beautiful but I have this rule in life that you should not keep anything within your heart and also one should not speak anything bitter. So if I don't like something, I express it but I say it in such a manner that the other person doesn't feel bad about it. So I feel one should always speak his/her heart out.'' Directed by Shashanka Ghosh, Khoobsurat is slated to release on September 19.

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