The Best Way To Introduce Sex Toys Into The Bedroom
  • 7 years ago
Moushumi Ghose discusses sexploration and incorporating sex toys into your love life. How do you introduce sex devices to a conservative partner?


Hi, I’m Moushumi Ghose with AskAnExpert. Here today we’ll be answering you love and sex questions.

Dear Mo, I secretly use sexual toys when I’m alone and my husband doesn’t know about them. I would like to include him but he’s so conservative. Is there any way to share my secret?

Thank you for such a very important question. Sex toys are often tricky. I think men often feel excited about the use of sex toys but also could feel a little bit threatened. He may be feeling like ‘The sex toy is going to replace me in the bedroom. There’s also a myth that sex toys are used by perverts and people that don’t have partners. So, the most important thing is communication. Communication will always enhance your sex life. So communicate with him your little secret and he might even feel grateful that you let him in on your little secret. The other things to remember is that masturbation, mutual masturbation can also enhance sex life. So when you use a sex toy on yourself and let him in on this can show him what you like and what you fanaticize about when you’re masturbating.

And you can give him little hints as to what you enjoy sexually. The third things to remember is that you can show him how to use the sex toy on you. He will learn more about your body and in turn you guys can communicate more about sex. And lastly, it’s important to know that sex toys aren’t for women only. There are a plethora of sex toys out there for men. And you guys can go to a store together or shop online in privacy of your own home. Just remember open honest communication about sex and your sex toys can lead to a happier, healthier sex life. Connect with me at

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