Girls Can Play This

  • 8 years ago
Within 3 generations you and your neighbours have had time to create your own self-sustaining minority community though.

You could be a child born in the UK to Pakistani parents and if you were in the right area you could grow up with only other Pakistani families for streets and streets in every direction, go to a Pakistani Islamic school, marry a Pakistani-British girl and get a job in a Pakistani-run company. At no point do you really have to spend any significant time with native-native British people unless you go to university or something.
[] Oh yeah, don't get me wrong I still love the show. It's just really frustrating to watch the later seasons because of how drastically some characters change from episode to episode.
[] Why write the lyrics as if you're singing along?
[] Dry makes you feel like your lungs are getting grilled, wet makes them feel like getting cooked. I love both though.
[] Whether we were still serving Sunday roasts. It was Friday.
[] Hey man, but you bounced back all things considered. Awesome.
[] Search job boards for 'telecommute'.
[] Downvoted because people are actually dead from the same storm
[] Yeah, they take their job too seriously and think their job is "convert everybody to your religion".
[] I work in electronic store as a sales colleague and I was talking a customer through the specifications of a laptop. When I was finished he asked "Who is the maker of this laptop, ISIS is it?", referring to the ASUS laptop. It took every bit of strength to not die of laughter in front of him.
[] these are the same experts who say every single year that this will be the worst year..and are wrong...have been wrong past 14+ years. Their accuracy % on predictions like this..are below 10%.
[] Goodnight Saigon by Billy Joel. It's literally about the Vietnam War.
[] This is exactly 100% right
[] You mean smiling without laughing? How do you laugh without smiling? Is it "laughing out loud"? Why would that be something to try? What am I doing with my life?

I swear, so many questions...
[] You'd be surprised. To paraphrase Alan Jackson, our hearts weren't ready for the Soundgardens. I grew up in the Midwest and country was big in my teenage years.
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[] We all know Samuel L. Jackson is behind all of this.
[] I used to think this as a kid. I thought they were just deep frying mashed potato sticks, and I was cool with it.
[] You mean smiling without laughing? How do you laugh without smiling? Is it "laughing out loud"? Why would that be something to try? What am I doing with my life?

I swear, so many questions...
[] I did and Google confirmed it to be bullshit
[] Some basic info about the photo: the image was produced from 6 stacked 30" exposures (so it's effectively a 180" exposure) shot with a Canon 5DIII + 35mm f/1.4 lens @ f/1.8, ISO3200 (each frame was brightened 1 stop further in post), captured in Rocky Mountain National Park on 9/4/2016 a few minutes before midnight. The night sky was heavily darkened using photoshop to better match the foreground.
[] Wait, so why were you in the living room at 3AM?
[] Segregation is actually in the list of demands that BLM gave to Yale when they burst into the yale library berating students for being white. MLK would not approve of what BLM is doing at all.
[] There were multiple, as they were based on the economical status of those that would hear it, poor people were told the country would become like cuba or venezuela, the rich were told there would be no punishment for crimes, that and a plan to not actually explain the deal and concentrate on getting people to vote angry.
[] Where is OP's own backyard? I just want to hike there.
