Gavin Fixing His Rubik's Cube

  • 8 years ago
Praise Yogg
[] Sadly, Wolfies not fine ;p
supplied by Hammer?

Iron Man II pretty much painted Hammer as a fucking joke - how on earth is he suddenly creating shit that is useful and effective?
[] "I ride George every day to work."
[] Ja
[] The ending of Snake Eater was literally the most tense and jaw dropping couple of HOURS in my gaming life. Beautiful. Actually every metal gear has some of the best endings in a video game.
[] "Why do I have to pay tax on this?" ...
[] We know
[] A bit unlucky with the clouds.
[] Kardashians
[] Her - "excuse me, I was supposed to get get 6, but you only gave me 5"

Me - the sign says 4 so you already got a bonus"

Her - " well I am still supposed to get 6..."

Me - " how about I give you 2 more and charge you twice?"

Her - * stomp the Floor and rolls her eyes and walks away*
[] rationing can prevent hoarding and not be illegal. What kind of fucked up amoral people are you?
[] Dude what shady company were you using? Even Geico has a $0 glass deductible.
[] Well, to help my viking brother out; I am not my grandfather, and I am not my father. I am not my country either, and I am definitely not the same person as everyone who shares my skin colour. I'm not going to apologize for whatever they did.
[] Dude, it's hilarious. I swear after reading your comment I just read the French part out loud and burst out laughing. No kidding.
[] Why write the lyrics as if you're singing along?
[] Amen brother
[] And I think you'd be hard pressed to find many beer enthusiasts who don't genuinely want other people to discover what they enjoy. They tend to be a friendlier bunch.
[] It's also fucking AWESOME to gp around the house chasing mozzies and flies around. You can get really good at swatting them and it only gets better
[] So you make like $4 an hour after taxes? You need to change jobs, not pick up another one.
[] Also I'm pretty sure most countries would do the same if ever given the opportunity.
[] FIRST robotics (high school robotics competition) holds their championship event in Saint Louis. Every year a whole bunch of teams to the day before the event starts. I went 3 years in a row and it was a fucking blast. The cave system is fucking dank
[] You may think 5% of the GDP is not a lot but that is 1.5 times what the USA spends on its entire military.
[] I ran one in Denver and Colorado Springs in the late 80s and early 90s. First on a Commodore 64 with 11MB of storage, and then on an IBM clone. I retired it all in 1992 when I got my first internet connection.
[] She was also in an episode of Charmed.