Hillary Clinton Nyc

  • 8 years ago
Sometimes I've seen posts that actually made sense but in fact did go against the hivemind, typically posts that supported non liberal view points or something trivial like that
I wanted to be the main character in all my favorite movies. I'm currently living out the dream (in a more modern way) of being Mrs Anna from The King and I.
Kilt lifter, decent choice for a kid of that age.
I can kinda see where you're coming from with that... I suppose it is, at face value, just another generic talking animal movie. I thought that's what it was going to be before I actually saw the film. I think it's a matter of opinion at the end of the day; I see a lot of value in the film's content whereas you don't so much. :)
The NYC subway wifi has free short stories.
I wanna say Eraserhead.

But that's more artsy and unsettling than it is straight up scary.
Godzilla (2014)
Also. Back pockets are usually square and fits just right with most wallet shapes

and employ people, I could?

Communism labels that coercion. Any criticism which can be leveled at communism can be applied to capitalism. And the history of misery produced by communist ideology is equal to that of capitalism.
It's a superhero secret...
Rubber - it's on Netflix. Legit about a killer car tire.
My goodness me, you sure are extrapolating a lot from a one sentence comment.

That's a shame that happened. I would have thought anti-discrimination laws, as abundant as they are in the US, would have discouraged a company from, at the very least, being so openly hostile to a Christian candidate.

But as per OP's original comment, which you responded to, I still find it hard to believe that discrimination against Christians in hiring practices is very widespread. If you have something other than anecdotal evidence otherwise, I would be glad to read it, because that would definitely be deeply troubling.
You say that like it does not apply to every store.
But of fucking course. A public source of free food that's stood for who knows how many years, and they take the apples and fucking throw them at people. And then people wonder why I don't think basic income or whatever the hell they're calling welfare now would work well.
That's fucking brutal.
Yeah, he deserves it. Poor uncle works something like 17 hours a day. Hop on purple and head north for some good and cheap chicken rice!
So I can put in my own hole?
My problem is the ending made me regret wasting the time on this movie. It just felt like a big fuck you to anyone who stuck it through to the end.
The Sodium-Potassium pump isn't transporting a single ion
I hate when they park their fucking car in my helicopter place
I just change the folder options from double click to single click for people like these. Works like a charm.
... what... are YOU... doing here?
"GOD I already saw this adorable puppy 3 WEEKS AGO, ugh, fuck this dumb website."
To be fair I've never personally driven on the shoulder or erratically to get somewhere. Usually I just sit in traffic with tears and beg the traffic gods to ease up. I'm just saying if I felt bad enough to do that to get to my neighborhood, then I would be ready to fight the Rover driver.
It also isn't really about my dignity, I don't want to clean a ton of watery poo out of my car and clothes.

