How to win a sprint v lo?

  • il y a 8 ans
A Eurosport o vid explains how to win a sprint during a cycling race during a stage of the Tour de France for example. First some figures, a sprint lasts on average 13 seconds and the riders roll approximately 65 km/h. Important factors to win a sprint include the speed, acc l ration, the position and the most important, the number of co teammates in the last tre kilom. You surely know, but during a race of v los, should remain in the wheels to take advantage of the vacuum to not too tiring. We learn that if the first d think 100% energy, 4 me does think that 62%. The al id is therefore that the sprinter has teammates co in the 3 first res positions to work place. The sprinter no longer has that sprinter in the last 300 m very to win the race.

