The devil only understand one language

  • 16 years ago
email Date:
October 11, 2007 10:36:36 AM BST
Dear Mr and Mrs Berry

I have recently written you a letter. It may have been delayed in the
postal strike. I also telephoned you recently but you did not pick up
and perhaps you did not receive the message that I left.

The case has been transferred to Central London County Court. A Case
Management Conference has been arranged for 19 October. This will
probably take place by telephone. Even if the hearing goes ahead in
person, you do not need to attend.

We have slipped slightly behind the court timetable. I will need to see
you both again very soon to prepare your final statements. In my letter
I asked you to speak to my secretary to arrange an appointment and I
look forward to meeting you both again very soon.

Yours sincerely,
Andrew Morgan | Partner
for Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP
