6 Egg Face Packs And Masks For Healthy Skin

  • 8 years ago
1. Egg Face Pack: Recipe with egg white
• Cleanse your face well
• Take an egg and separate the egg white from yolk
• Now apply egg white directly on your face using a cotton ball
• Let it dry completely for 10 – 15 minutes
• Rinse off well with plain water
This face mask helps a great deal in improving blood circulation. It also helps in skin tightening.
2. Egg Face Pack For Dry Skin: Recipe with egg yolk
• Take an egg yolk
• Take one teaspoon of honey
• Mix the two together well and apply on cleansed face.
• Keep it on for 10- 15 minutes
• Wash off thoroughly with plain water
This face pack proves pretty beneficial in providing moisture to dry skin.
3. Egg Face Pack For Oily Skin: Recipe with egg white for acne
• Take some egg white
• Mix it well with some fuller’s earth (multanimitti)
• Keep mixing it well until you get a good consistency
• Apply this on the face and let it dry for 15- 20 minutes
• Wash your face off thoroughly
This face pack helps control oil secretion to a great extent. It also helps keeping all skin problems, related to oily skin at bay.
4. Egg Face Pack: Recipe with milk, carrots and egg white
• Take some egg white
• Take small carrot with some milk
• Grate the carrot finely
• Mix it well with the egg white and milk
• Apply it on a cleansed face
• Let it sit on your face for 15- 20 minutes before washing off thoroughly
This face mask is a great home remedy for anti aging for all skin types.
5. Egg Face Pack For Glowing Skin: Recipe with Gram flour and lemon for oily skin
• Take some gram flour
• Mix it well with egg white
• Now add few drops of lemon to this mixture.
• Apply it evenly on your face and let it sit for 20 minutes
• Rinse thoroughly with plain water
6. Egg Face Pack: Recipe for Fine lines and Wrinkles
• Apply egg white to a cleansed face
• Let it dry completely
• Rinse thoroughly with water after 10 minutes
• Use under eye cream or gel after rinsing and wiping your face.
If used regularly, this face mask can show great improvement on fine lines and wrinkles.
Eggs are not just for your body, they are also for that near-perfect skin that you long for. Try these homemade egg face masks and see you loved going all gaga over your flawless and healthy skin.

Speacial Thanks @Niesha Jeenwal

All Images taken from Google Search www.google.com and Background Music of this video I collect from YouTube Audio Library which is free to use. Thank you.

