Part 3 Bill Maher Imagines a Donald Drumpf™ State of the Union Address

  • 8 years ago
Bill Maher on President Donald Drumpf™ and what a potential State of the Union Address might look like in the not too distant future. (HBO) Feb 26,2016 New .
Bill Maher on President Donald Drumpf™ and what a potential State of the Union Address might look like in the not too distant future. (HBO) Feb 26,2016 New .
Bill Maher on President Donald Drumpf™ and what a potential State of the Union Address might look like in the not too distant future. (HBO) Feb 26,2016 New .
Bill Maher on President Donald Drumpf™ and what a potential State of the Union Address might look like in the not too distant future. (HBO) Feb 26,2016 New .
