weak S7 finale : see better last dialogue in the description
  • 8 years ago
L: “ Well done, you saved his life”. I have seen you save so, so many , including mine. You are the most brilliant doctor of the highest integrity so dedicated to help the ill and injured despite being sick at the sight of blood.
It was so noble of you to move out of the surgery for me and to undertake therapy for me. You may have trouble expressing your love for me but I know deep down you will always be there for me and you never have deliberately hurt me. I am ashamed I have abandoned you in my confusion and tried to change you even by hurting you rather than love the very special person you are. Please forgive and let me give you all the love you deserve. Martin Ellingham, I love you so so much, so much it hurts.
M: I have a remedy for that….Thank God. I will always be absolutely hopelessly in love with you

Instead she separates herself from him after insisting all along she was staying with him. Later the dialogue becomes ambiguous…
M: I’m never going to change the way I feel about you.
L: I don’t want that
M: I’ve tried, I’ve really tried (what? To change the way he feels about her? ) I’ve really tried. But it just makes things worse. (whot?)
L; Can we go home now? (ambiguous as not sharing a home) M: I love you Louisa L: I love you too (note even I Love you too Martin) and never in the whole 50 episodes a definite unsolicited "Martin, I love you"