Ben 10: Omniverse - The Rooters of All Evil - EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW! (+Video)

  • il y a 8 ans
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW of Ben 10: Omniverses brand new episode The Rooters of All Evil!\r
The episode begins with the Plumbers running on the HQ. The bathroom door opens and Ben appears. He asks Rook about the commotion, and he answers that the Null Void Projector was turned on automatically. He, Rook, and Max run to the projectors room and found the portal. To Maxs surprise, Phil appears, then 3 more aliens appear. The leader, Proctor Servantis, says that they are called the Rooters. Ben tries to use the Omnitrix, but Max prohibited him. Servantis says that they are hunting Kevin Levin. Proctor uses his mind powers to attack Patelliday, because he asked and discussed the hunt with Proctor. Max says that the Plumbers cant do anything, and Rook says that the Rooters are a special unit of Plumbers. Max also says that the Rooters answer only for the High Protectorate, and only the Grand-Masters are above Proctors power on the Plumbers.\r
Proctor clarifies what Max said, and he reads Jerrys mind to find out what he knows about Kevin. Servantis uses his electrical powers, and he made Jerrys mustache grow, like static electricity. Proctor says that Kevins badge was transferred to agent Molly Gunther. Servantis reads her mind and discovers that she doesnt know anything. Max asks Proctor to stop with the interview and fight with the team. He also says to Proctor that he will send two of his best agents, Blukic and Driba, to hunt Kevin. Molly and Rook are taken by Proctor to the Laboratory. \r
Ben leaves to hunt Kevin, with Max stalling the Rooters. Ben goes to the Tenn-Speed, but a Rooter named Swift and Leander came to prevent him from escaping, because Proctor Servantis wants nobody to leave the HQ. Ben transforms into Ball Weevil and he spits a ball that absorbs the villains lasers, making the ball become big. Ball Weevil uses the ball against the villains, defeating them with an explosion. Ball Weevil turns back to normal, and Ben runs. Meanwhile, Proctor and Phil are watching Blukic and Driba hunt for Kevin. Proctor is frustrated because Blukic and Driba are only joking and turns angry. They dont discover where Kevin is, but discover only their localizations. Rook asks Proctor about the resemblance about their armors. Proctor says that the Proto-Tech Armor was projected on extreme conditions at the Null Void.\r
Swift said that Ben fled and Servantis discovered where Kevin is. Rook warns Max that Proctor is going to hunt him, Proctor tries to find out what Max knows by reading his mind. Proctor also harms the Magister. He, Swift, and Leander, leave the base, and Phil stays to watch the HQ. Ben goes to a manufactory called Paiks Body Shop and sees Kevin working on a car. Ben spoke to Kevin, to warn him about the Rooters. Kevin says that he havent heard anything about them. Kevin thinks that he should call Gwen.\r
The Rooters appear to take Kevin. Ben turns into Upchuck and battles with them by eating a tire. Kevin absorbs metal, but he and Upchuck fled and found Proctor. Involuntary, Kevin absorbs Proctors powers by bumping his head on Proctors head. By that, Kevin discovers that Proctor was The Servantis and remembers everything. Zed helps them flee by battling with the Rooters. Ben and Kevin run into a new blue car. Kevin explains, by a flashback, that in the Null Void, after escaping the Null Void Prison, he was found by the Rooters. They did experiments with humans and aliens. They used Kevins Osmosian powers to fuse humans with aliens (such as the fusion of a human Proctor with a Cerebrocrustacean and the fusion of Argit with a human), turning them into hybrids, or the Amalgam Kids. After that, the Rooters used the Amalgam Kids to do absurds things. Kevin also says that he fled from the Null Void and the Rooters, and also said important things; Proctor controlled his memories, convincing him that he has alien blood and he also says that, Osmos V never existed and Kevin says that he is a bad guy, part of the Rooters.\r
Source: Ben 10 Planet
