APR corporate Dinner

  • 8 years ago
Asiatic Public Relations Network (Pvt.) Ltd. (APR) hosted their Annual Corporate Dinner on January 30, 2016, for their clients, media representatives, bloggers and other social media activists and other stakeholders. The primary objective was to meet with all our business associates socially, exchange thoughts and spend quality evening together. The event was held on the lawns of the Alliance Francaise. A red carpet at the entrance welcomed guests, and led to a mingling area where live music in the background was being played by a sitarist and table player. While guests met the APR executives and each other, mocktails and lights snacks were served. Guests were also invited to record their comments on a message board set up in the area.

After some time the guests were ushered into an adjacent open area where a stage and theatre style seating had been set up, for the 50 minutes duration entertainment that had been organized. The evening was a dedication to Urdu literature and the entertainment was dramatic readings from the works of renowned Urdu writers, Ismet Chughtai and Quratulain Hyder.

Following this the guests invited for dinner, which was laid out in the adjacent lawns. Altogether it was a serene and gentle-paced evening which all the guests thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. .