Top 5 Animals With Incredible Teeth

  • 8 years ago
Top 5 Animals With Incredible Teeth

5. Promacthoteuthis sulcus

Have you ever seen a set of human teeth in the mouth of a squid? The Promacthoteuthis sulcus is the squid of your nightmares, hailing from the depths of the ocean. Fortunately, these teeth aren't as frightening as they seem. This squid's choppers are actually lips! Like many cephalopods, the Promacthoteuthis sulcus has a beak, but its unique folded lips cover up this feature. The bottom line? Don't fear these pseudo-teeth; fear the powerful beak that is concealed beneath them...
4. Dragonfish

This deep-sea fish, in addition to having sharp teeth in the normal arrangement, has teeth that grow on its tongue! Despite their frightening appearance, these creatures are no bigger than half a foot, so they really pose no threat. (Also, they live in deep waters, so they never attack humans.) The Dragonfish lives in complete darkness and is almost blind, using alternative means to find food and survive in a desolate environment
3. Helicopron

This is the only extinct species on this list. The helicopron was a shark, twenty feet (6m) in length, which used its enormous teeth in a manner unlike that of any known living creature. Attached to a circular muscle, the shark’s mouth apparatus would shoot out and shred prey into bite-sized pieces, much like an actual chainsaw.
2. Leatherback Turtle

The leatherback sea turtle is the largest turtle, and the third largest living reptile in the world. It’s a docile beast, just swimming around all day and eating jellies, which are the entirety of its diet. And these turtles get so big because they are so well fed. Backwards facing spines in the turtle's mouth keeps the ethereal jellies from escaping. It may be harmless but it looks terrifying!
1. Narwhal

This relatively small, thirteen-foot (4m)-long whale developed a lethal “spear” atop its head, which could be used during territorial disputes and in self-defense. Occasionally, it is used to break up ice in the whale’s arctic habitat. In a departure from the norm of symmetry in the animal kingdom, the narwhal’s enormous weapon is actually a modified right canine tooth that angles forwards and extends through the animal’s forehead. The narwhal has no other teeth in its oddly-shaped jaws, but on occasion, the left canine socket may sprout a second “tusk”...

source- wikipidia