Trousers of Suit (clothing) Top 25 Facts

  • 8 years ago
Facts : 1 Even from the 1910s to 1920s, before the invention of sports jackets specifically to be worn with odd trousers, wearing a suit jacket with odd trousers was seen as an alternative to a full suit
Facts : 2 However, with the modern advent of sports jackets, suit jackets are always worn with matching trousers, and the trousers have always been worn with the appropriate jacket
Facts : 3 In the 1970s, suit makers offered a variety of styles of trousers, including flared, bell bottomed, wide-legged, and more traditional tapered trousers
Facts : 4 In the 1980s these styles disappeared in favour of tapered, slim-legged trousers
Facts : 5 The most classic style of trouser is to have two pleats, usually forward, since this gives more comfort sitting and better hang standing
Facts : 6 This is still a common style, and for these reasons of utility has been worn throughout the 20th century
Facts : 7 The style originally descended from the exaggeratedly widened Oxford bags worn in the 1930s in Oxford, which, though themselves short-lived, began a trend for fuller fronts
Facts : 8 The style is still seen as the smartest, featuring on dress trousers with black and white tie
Facts : 9 However, at various periods throughout the last century, flat fronted trousers with no pleats have been worn, and the swing in fashions has been marked enough that the more fashion-oriented ready-to-wear brands have not produced both types continuously
Facts : 10 Turn-ups on the bottom of trousers, or cuffs, were initially popularised in the 1890s by Edward VII, and were popular with suits throughout the 1920s and 1930s
Facts : 11 After falling out of style in World War II, they were not generally popular again, despite serving the useful purpose of adding weight to straighten the hang of the trousers
Facts : 12 They have always been an informal option, being inappropriate on all formalwear
Facts : 13 This was very high in the early half of the 20th century, particularly with formalwear, with rises above the natural waist, to allow the waistcoat covering the waistband to come down just below the narrowest point of the chest
Facts : 14 Though serving less purpose, this high height was duplicated in the daywear of the period
Facts : 15 Since then, fashions have changed, and have rarely been that high again with styles returning more to low-rise trousers, even dropping down to have waistbands resting on the hips
Facts : 16 Other changing aspects of the cut include the length, which determines
