Female Anatomy: Before and After Hysterectomy

  • 9 years ago
Anatomical basis for hysterectomy. Bases anatomiques de lhysterectomie. Mémoire dUE danatomie année 2011-2012, encadré par le Pr. Baqué. Faculté de .\r
This is the information every woman who is told she needs a hysterectomy should be given prior to being asked to sign a Hysterectomy Consent Form. A brief .\r
This video fromBasic, Advanced, and Robotic Laparoscopic Surgery - by Tommaso Falcone, MD and Jeffrey M. Goldberg, MD - demonstrates how to carefully .\r
Te Lindes Atlas of Gynecologic Surgery provides clear and detailed descriptions of the steps involved in performing todays key gynecological surgery .