I will design Professional Flyer, Poster, Card, Cover image for $5

  • 9 years ago
How you get your Level 1 Rank in Fiverr
You need to get at least 10 orders in 30 days of your joining Fiverr. If you get 10 orders in 30 days you get the Level 1 rank. You have to be 30 days old in Fiverr plus 10 orders in this time to get promoted to Level 1 of fiverr. That doesn't means that if you've spent more than 1 months and now you can't get promoted since you lost your 1st month of joining to achieve the Level 1. You can always get promoted to Level 1 if you continue to get Order upto 10 within 30 successive back to back days. To get Level 1 you also need to have minimum 4 stars reviews and better to have 5 stars and Minimum 80% positive rating.
Being new member, you can only create 7 gigs and 2 gig extras.
Being Level 1 you can create upto 15 gigs and 4 gig extras. To get promoted to Level 2, your Level 1 you get is counted as 1 month completed since you get Level 2 in 60 days if you get separate 50 order. So, 10 orders of completed Level 1 are also counted. Now, you have to get 40 separate orders in 30 days. Also you have to keep the reviews to minimum 4.5 stars or 90% rating.
