Prenatal Exercise During Pregnancy

  • hace 9 años
Prenatal Exercise During Pregnancy
Prenatal Exercise
Regular exercise during pregnancy is important for your health and well-being. It can improve posture, prevent backaches, decrease fatigue, relieve stress, and build stamina you will need for labor and delivery. It may also help prevent a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy (gestational diabetes).

Most aerobic, resistance, and flexibility exercises are safe during pregnancy, but because each woman and each pregnancy is different it's important to consult your doctor before starting any exercise program while pregnant.

Exercise and Heart Rate

In the past the American College of Gynecology recommended pregnant women not raise their heart rate above 140 beats per minute during exercise, but this is no longer a guideline. Most women who were physically active prior to becoming pregnant can maintain physical activity during pregnancy. You may have to reduce the intensity; work out at a comfortable level, such as with low impact aerobics versus high impact. Exercising at about 70% of your maximum heart rate causes no change in the fetal heart rate.

Previously Sedentary

Whether you were active before your pregnancy or not, you can exercise while pregnant. The American College of Gynecology states, "If you are active, pregnancy need not cause you to alter your fitness routine," and, "If you have not been active, now is a good time to start." For most women, exercising during pregnancy is safe.

Who Should Not Exercise During Pregnancy?

However, some women should not exercise during pregnancy. If you have a medical condition such as asthma, heart disease, or diabetes, you should consult your doctor before exercising.
In addition, you may be advised to avoid exercise if you have certain pregnancy-related conditions, including bleeding or spotting, low-lying placenta, threatened or recurrent miscarriage, previous premature births or history of early labor, or a weak cervix. Talk to your doctor before starting exercise for some guidelines on what you can and cannot do.

Wet Your Whistle

Make sure you drink plenty of water when you work out during pregnancy. Try drinking 8 ounces of water 20-30 minutes before you start exercise, and 8 ounces every 20-30 minutes during your workout. Also remember to hydrate following your routine.

If you are concerned you will need to use the bathroom more often because you are drinking more, work out at a gym where there is a restroom available, or if you walk or run outside, stay close to home in case you need to make a pit stop.
Prenatal Exercise During Pregnancy
