Grand Theft Auto V - Community Races Mod

  • hace 9 años
[ENG]With Community Races mod for Grand Theft Auto V, we can drive throw all the racing tracks we want, because this mod is based on building your own tracks and downloading other people's tracks. This mod is made by Guadmaz, the same creator of NOoSE, a shooting-missions mod based on the same fact, building your own missions and trying other missions created by other people.

[ESP]Con el mod Community Races para GTA 5, podemos disputar carreras contra contrincantes de la IA en todas las pistas que queramos, porque este mod se basa en crear tus propias pistas y descargar pistas creadas por otra gente. Este script ha sido creado por Guadmaz, creador de NOoSE, un mod de misiones que se basa en la misma premisa, construír nuestras propias misiones y jugar las creaciones de otra gente.

-Map Editor (you'll need it to create tracks/hace falta para crear pistas):
-Guadmaz profile/autor:
