Pancho Sullivan's Sunset Special | Board Stories, Ep. 4

  • 9 years ago
For the better part of 30 years Sunset Beach was surfing's spiritual proving ground. If you wanted to prove your ability to surf powerful waves with true style and technique, it was at Sunset where you had to do it. In this episode of Board Stories one of Sunset's greatest ever surfers, Pancho Sullivan talks through him and his shaper John Bushman's 20 year journey to nail the perfect Sunset board. Through this board we learn about this historical place Sunset has in surfing and how Sullivan has dedicated his life to mastering the wave, and his equipment. Classic archive footage of Sunset through the '60s, '70s, '80s and '90s is contrasted with the power and flow of Sullivan surfing the wave today. Sunset may have fallen out of favour in modern times, but this episode reminds us that the board and wave demands respect.
