Minecraft Survival - Falling Into A New World - #01

  • 9 years ago
Minecraft Survival Falling Into A New World #01 "Minecraft Survival"
Video By: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUetxbVBIfu_1bT3BAOgnDQ
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Minecraft Survival Falling Into A New World #01 "Minecraft Survival"

Challenge: Take on the 3 bosses of Minecraft Vanilla Survival
SpoonyMass accepts :)

So this is a thing and it's kind of expected that I would cut my teeth on something as prevalent in the YouTube Universe as Minecraft. Again and again I've tried to do this and time and time again failed. This, however, is my last attempt to make a successful (and complete) a series within Minecraft. So far it's been fun putting these together and I hope whomever happens upon this channel also finds it enjoyable to watch.

We're starting out fairly simplistic. Defeat the three "bosses," of vanilla Minecraft version 1.8.1. Simplistic, but daunting enough and unknown enough for me to consider it a personal challenge to complete (add to that recording and putting it in a reasonable entertaining compositions that others can experience should they want to).

In Episode 01 of this series, SpoonyMass (that's me baby) spawns into a world fresh from the loading world screen. I haven't a clue the surrounding area or the details of what might or might not lie beyond it's horizons or to the extremities of it's crushing depths. I punch a few trees and find sheep pretty swiftly before establishing a few chicken kills and appropriate enough food to last me into the night where I find a ravine that I hope will yield some favorable resources. But at the virgin stance of this series, everything is pretty favorable.

Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this video a favorable rating would be most appreciated.

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