Google saw Summer surge in Mobile traffic, while other ...

  • 17 years ago

Summer is usually a slower period for Google. At least in terms of traffic and across all its online properties. Well, *except* this year, where for the very first time Google engineers saw a surge in traffic for the company's mobile services (Gmail, Map, Picasa...). A good surprise for the search engine, although not enough to compensate the decline of the more traditional Web traffic.
"We're seeing more and more mobile activity. Every week at Google. I give a weather report that talks about how the different properties are doing, what kind of traffic we're seeing on them. And of course, we always have this summer slump. Because people go on vacation [...] And this year was interesting because as all our traffic was sort of doing this kind of natural slough off, mobile actually saw this big increase!", said Marissa Mayer.
"It's kind of cool. Because he could see people almost switching off their computers and switching over to their handhelds. And of course, we saw another big bump with the iPhone."

On a separate Q&A session with the media, Marissa Mayer detailed further the increase in mobile traffic and the reasons for it:

"Web search traffic is down from mid-May to mid-July, depending on the weather, from 20 to 40%. The nicer the Summers are, the deeper the slump as less people search on their computer. And usually "mobile" (Search, Gmail, Map...) has either stayed steady or seen the same kind of depth. This is year is amazing: the first 3 weeks in June, "Mobile" grew about 10% every week. And then there was the iPhone launch and mobile Map was up 40% overnight. "
Why this uptake in Mobile traffic?
"One, people are getting savvy with their mobile device. Two, there is better devices out there. Now the phones are good enough that people can do a search, check their email or get a ...