Mobile phone obsessives love viral cartoon

  • 9 years ago
Many of us now check our mobile phones every few minutes, even while driving, or crossing a crowded street. Mobile phones are almost an obsession.

So much so, that Lin Chenglin, a 20-year-old Chinese student, has made a 3-minute cartoon depicting the horrors of total mobile phone addiction.

In the film, obsessive use of mobiles causes a range of accidents, from car crashes to industrial disasters.

“I think everyone always playing with their mobile phones makes it seem like they’re dreaming”, said Lin Chenglin. “They don’t ever consider not using their phone, and they think there’s nothing wrong with this sort of attitude. Perhaps the release of this cartoon could be a wake up call. Some people might continue dreaming, but some might wake up.”

Li’s video was a hit in the classroom, but soon went viral on the internet. With over 40 million views by late May, the video has got people talking about what is often a subconscious addiction.

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