Business Daily Ep28

  • 9 years ago
A "recessive-type" trade surplus
Korea's trade surplus reached US$8.4 bil. last month, the trade balance in the black for 39 consecutive months. But as imports and exports are both falling, with the fall in imports greater than that of exports, experts point out this cycle of trade is troublesome. What is the government's response to the current situation?

Retailers crack a smile with early heat
With an unseasonably warm spring, Koreans are enjoying the outdoors, and businesses are already pushing out summer products. Icecream factories are running at twice its previous rate, and promotions for airconditioners are out. We take a look at a retail sector that's heating up again in its run to dump slumping sales.

Fears of a Brexit, impact on Korea's economy?
With the ruling Conservatives' surprise win in the recent UK general elections, Britain could be one step closer to leaving the European Union. The negative effects of the uncertainty brought to world markets is just one of the many concerns Koreans have. What will this mean for the Korea-EU FTA? We unpack the ongoing "Brexit" debate and what it could mean for Korea and the globe.


