10 Things Swedes Are Great At

  • 9 years ago
Here are 10 things Swedes do better than Americans.

Sweden has given the world a lot to be happy about, from Absolut vodka to the supergroup Abba, but they’re also at the forefront of more serious matters, like the environment, industry, and the business of living. Here are 10 things Swedes do better than most, particularly Americans. Number 10. Recycle. Of all of the trash the nation’s 9 and a half million or so citizens produce, only 1 percent of it winds up in dumps. The rest of it is recycled in various ways for a number of purposes, among which is the production of energy. 
Number 9. Stand in line. Swedes are able to, and quite often do, wait in one without pushing, cutting, or trying to sneak around it. Thanks to a variety of highly developed take-a-number systems, they can also do it without giving any indication that they’re queued up at all. 


