
  • 17 years ago
"The Golden Compass" is an exciting fantasy adventure, set in parallel world where people's souls manifest themselves as small animals, talking bears fight wars, and children are mysteriously disappearing. At the center of the story is a 12-yearl-old girl, Lyra, who sets out to find and rescue her best friend, Roger, and ends up on an extraordinary quest to save not only her own world, but ours as well.

"The Golden Compass" stars Nicole Kidman as the impossibly glamourous and possibly dangerous Mrs. Coulter, Daniel Craig as Lord ASriel, a ruthless adventurer and scholar with a mysterious past, and the talented newcomer Dakota Blue Richards, who won the role of Lyra after an exhaustive search throughout England> Casting directors Fiona Weir and Lucy BEvan considered some 10,00 girls. They screen tested dozens of girls between 12-year-old, with no previous acting experience. In other words of producer Deborah Forte, Richard's screen test was stunning, an opinion echoed by Phillip Pullman when Forte showed him a test.

The film is based on the first book (published as "The Golden Compass" in US and " Northern Light" in UK and Europe) of Phillip Pullman's best-selling, award-winning trilogy, "His DArk Materials". The screenplay for "The Golden Compass" when he was in England dorecting "About a Boy" in 2000.

The immense scope of the book required a similar breadth of visiion as a movie. Fortunately New Life Cinema and Scholastic Media were equal to the challenge. To recreate Phillip Pullman's creations, they spared no expense hiring a crew as talented as it is experienced. Only the bes in visual effects would be sufficient to realize the astonishing world of Lyra Belacqua nad her daemon, Pantalaimon.

