At what age does fasting become obligatory for a believer? by Dr Zakir Naik

  • 9 years ago
At what age does fasting become obligatory for a believer?
Dr Zakir Naik: As far as the rules of different countries are concerned in India, the age of adulthood or maturity is 18, Indonesia it is 19, in UK it is 16 years of age. Every country, the age of maturity what the government or the people of that country, the law it is different depending upon their own understanding. But in Islam fasting becomes compulsory; Salaah becomes compulsory, the acts of worship become compulsory once a person reaches the age of puberty. And there are basically 3 criteria if any one of these three criteria are fulfilled then the person is said to have reached the age of puberty.

No. 1 is that growth of course pubic hair around the private parts.

No. 2 the person reaches the age of 15 or there is emission of semen in a wet dream or otherwise or if it's a female then she starts her menstrual cycles, the day the girl starts her menstrual cycle she is supposed to have reached the age of her puberty irrespective she may be below the age of 10. But the moment she reaches, the day she starts her menstrual cycle, she is considered to be a person who has reached the age of puberty.