• il y a 9 ans
Give it a try and you will adopt it as its writing quality is without comparison thanks to the swiss precision technology that enables the surprising smoothness of the tip. This tip comes protected by a miniature cap that disappears automatically at first use of the pen and you will then enjoy a unique wonderful silky quality of writing. For more détails regarding the manufacturing prowess of each PENTASTIC do not hesitate to visit the www.pentastic.ch website and above all, ask us for a sample to be convinced. Its design has been registered and its moderate price will enable you to distribute it generously around you, providing you with lots and lots of advertising impacts as well as gratifying you with every recipient's heartfelt thank you. Manufacturing expensive good quality products is not difficult.
It is producing them at low cost that represents a real achievement. This is what the PENTASTIC PROMO is emblematic of: superb quality at a most affordable price.