Successful Christian School Downgraded by Ofsted because of its Christian Ethos

  • 9 years ago
A high-performing Christian school in Sunderland has been placed in special measures by an Ofsted team in what its principal says is a "huge shock".

Chris Gray blamed the negative report on regulations about "British values".

Grindon Hall Christian School's GCSE results make it the best-performing secondary state-funded school in Sunderland. However, inspectors have downgraded it to "inadequate" from last year's ranking of "requires improvement".

The Ofsted report says there are weaknesses in the school's safeguarding and recruitment policies and that "The curriculum does not adequately prepare pupils for life in modern Britain." It adds that "Pupils show a lack of respect and tolerance towards those who belong to different faiths, cultures or communities." It also says prejudice-based bullying is not tackled effectively and that "Discrimination through racist or homophobic language persists." It says teachers do not have high enough expectations of students and that behaviour requires improvement.
