Visite d'un chantier en activité

  • il y a 13 ans
Jeudi 6 octobre, des collégiens ont visité le chantier de Chambray Grand Sud dans le cadre des coulisses du bâtiment.


00:00The goal of the visit is to present a site open to the public to discover what is a site
00:20and what are the jobs that can interest young people who participate in this visit.
00:26We use the background of the building to discover a site, a site in the middle of work,
00:33and work on the building sector for this first part of the year.
00:36The building sector is really unknown to the students and is always, unfortunately,
00:44a victim of clichés, of prejudices, so we try a little bit to make known the jobs in this sector.
00:51This is what the professionals expect and this is what we get out of the orientation of our students.
00:57A lack of interest for these short-term job carriers.
01:03In each silo, you have 60 tons of capacity.
01:06So, to make plastic concrete, we use cement, water, sand, gravel.
01:12We make self-setting concrete and self-nylon.
01:15If I had the possibility to do two jobs at the same time,
01:18I think I could be a construction site manager or something like that.
01:24I learned that there were machines for the concrete,
01:28to make the concrete stronger and that there are no cracks.
01:32I also learned what the electrician had to do, which I didn't know,
01:38and what kind of job the construction site managers did.
01:43What surprises them the most here are the concrete plant and the size of the construction site,
01:52which is quite important for them.
01:54So, we feel that the questions are also quite focused on the working conditions.
01:58I think that the students imagine themselves in the shoes of their colleagues,
02:03and especially at the level of the pain at work.
02:08What we try to demonstrate to them, especially on this construction site,
02:11is what we put in place in terms of ergonomics,
02:13with lighter materials and tools suitable for work.
02:17I think it's quite impressive compared to the people who do this work.
02:21We see the buildings that are built at the end,
02:24but we don't see all the steps that the builders have created.
02:29I learned that a lot of protection is needed,
02:33and you need experience like a B.T.S.,
02:37or after-graduation studies, things like that.
