Seth Rogen surprises fans at Los Angeles screening of "The Interview"

  • 9 years ago
Outside this Cinefamily movie theater in Los Angeles.... warm cider offers Christmas cheer to film fans.

They're here for a sold out midnight screening of Sony's "The Interview" -- about a fictional plot to assassinate the leader of North Korea.

It's been a ping-pong week for the film ... Sony initially pulled the movie over security threats linked to Pyongyang -- then suddenly announced a limited release in a smattering of independent U.S. theaters on Christmas Day.

So for some fans, watching the film was really about supporting freedom of expression...


"I am here because I wanted to support film makers who were being censored by foreign bodies because I don't believe that anybody should have the right to censor a work, whether it's satirical or not."

That support got rewarded with a surprise visit at the midnight screening by the film's co-star Seth Rogen and it's co-director.

Late Wednesday night, t