White House: No coordination with Iran against Islamic militants

  • 10 years ago

The White House declared on Wednesday (December 3) that it will not coordinate with Iran in the battle against Islamic militants in Iraq.

"We're not going to do it," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest at a briefing in Washington, D.C.

The U.S. officials said on Wednesday that they have indications that Iran has carried out air strikes on Islamic State targets in Iraq in recent days in what appeared to be the first such operations by Iran's air force.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the United States had indications that Iran had used F-4 Phantoms to launch the raids in Diyala near the Iranian border in the last several days.

But Earnest said that the U.S. will not change its policy of not cooperating with Iran.

"Well, we certainly do care deeply about the safety of American pilots and American service, military personnel that are operating in this region of the world. At the same time, th
