Play It Like Godard / JC comme Jésus-Christ (2012) - Trailer English Subs

  • il y a 10 ans
Directed by : Jonathan Zaccaï
Produced by : Vicious
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 15 min
French release: 08/02/2012
Production year: 2011

He won the Palme d'Or at the age of 15, the Cesar at 16. This year, he is trying to graduate from high school. Jean-Christophe Kern, known as JC, is not a teenager like any other. A cross between Jean-Luc Godard and Justin Bieber, at 17 he swings between chomping his Cocoa Krispies in front of the television after school and a professional life worthy of Stanley Kubrick.

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