Ranbir Kapoor-Priyanka Chopra UNTOLD LOVE STORY

  • 10 years ago
Link ups followed by break ups has been a constant cycle, especially when you are a part and parcel of Bollywood. So, coming as one such link up that had grabbed the attention of paparazzi back in the year 2010, Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka chopra fall into the kitty of our pick for the day. Tracing their proximity from debut collaboration, Anjaana Anjaani, while the duo had bloomed their liking through some close sequences in the film, speculations were rife over their off screen chemistry, going way aboard then just being friends. In fact, knowing that Priyanka was also dating Shahid Kapoor around the same phase, murmurs also came in ringing over Shahid’s disapproval towards Priyanka-Ranbir’s bonding! And call it fate or insecurity, Priyanka-Ranbir soon parted ways soon after the film! So on this note, do let us know what do you think of this misty affair in the comments section below and don’t forget to subscribe to Bollywooduncut.