Issue: pubcenter ads in unity for windows store 8

  • 10 years ago
As far as my understanding, I am not doing something right in XAML or CS file in visual studio because ads are being requested from pubcenter and being created according to visual studio logs ..

Software versions:
Unity 4.5.4f1
visual studio 13
adrotator 2.0.2
microsoft advertising sdk v 6.1

Things I cannot figure out about adrotator:
1. The secondary ID in defaultAdSettingsWin8.xml file (Also there is no documentation on how to configure this file)
2. In visual studio, readme file that comes with adrotator 2.0.2 says that defaultAdSettings.xml is included in the project (i am not able to find this file anywhere)
3. Where to add the adRotator XAML snippet??
4. I m getting error when I try to ad the AdDuplex plugin (in the documentation it says you need to have it)
5. I believe this is great work by adrotator team but i m not able to figure it out for some unknown reason.

1. Microsoft UK blog:

2. Adrotator plugin for unity:

3. Adrotator instructions:

4. My blog tutorials:

5. Game under construciton:

6. VS solution is too big(791mb for unknown reason) to upload so i have to skip that upload
