A New York welcome for Modi in Madison Square Garden

  • 10 years ago

STORY: Tens of thousands offer a rousing New York welcome as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi enters Madison Square Garden in New York.

The venue more used to hosting big sports events and the greatest names in rock music, was packed as members of the fast growing 3.2 million-strong Indian diaspora, cheered and chanted "Modi, Modi!"

Modi's U.S. visit less comes less than a decade after he was barred from the United States over bloody sectarian riots.

On Saturday, Modi appeared before some 60,000 people at the Global Citizen Festival in New York's Central Park, where performers including Jay Z and Sting backed a campaign to end global poverty and bring essentials such as sanitation to all - an effort the Indian leader is pushing at home.

India's U.S. diaspora makes up only about one percent of the U.S. population, but it is growing fast, highly educated and increasingly influential, including leaders of government agenci