Serne Inhaler Commercial

  • 10 years ago
SERNE Inhaler

Usually in winter when climate becomes cold and dry, our mucous membranes secretes extra mucous resulting in the blockage of nasal passage and difficulty in breathing.

Serne Inhaler is a pure herbal preparation designed to provide quick relief from the effects of nasal congestion and heaviness in the head causing headaches.

Serne Inhaler contains effective volatile oil which gives fast and soothing results on inhalation via deep penetration in the nasal passage up to the sinus levels, giving you a feeling of freshness and clearance from all blockades.

The ingredients include:
Eucalyptus oil
Pine wood oil

SERNE inhaler is the Pakistan’s 1st inhaler in Blister pack which protects you from the hazards of contaminations with allergens and germs.

How to use: 1-2 deep inhalations in each nostril.
