Tensions rise in Glasgow after historic Scotland vote

  • 10 years ago

STORY: Unionists celebrated in Glasgow's St. George Square on Friday (September 19) after Scotland spurned independence in a historic referendum.

Supporters of the "No" campaign sang "Rule, Britannia" and waved union jack flags in front of a police lineup that separated them from the "Yes" supporters on the opposite side of the square. A few minor scuffles and altercations broke out between the two sides and with the police.

Glasgow is Scotland's biggest city where secessionists were in a majority.

Scots went to the polls on Thursday (September 18) and voted "No" to leaving the United Kingdom, saving a union dating back over 300 years.

A vote for the union is a relief for millions of Britons including Prime Minister David Cameron, whose job was on the line, as well as allies across the world who were horrified at the prospect of the United Kingdom's separation.

Opponents of independence won 55 percent of the vote whi