Scottish Gaelic Song இ Gràdh Geal Mo Chridhe

  • 10 years ago
Bheir mi ò hu ò hò
'S mi fo bhròn 's tu gam dhìth

'S iomadh oidhche fliuch 'us fuar
Ghabh mi cuairt 'us mi leam fhìn
Gus an d' ràinig mise 'n t-àit'
Far an robh gràdh geal mo chridh'

Bheir mi ò hu ò hò
Bheir mi ò hu ò hì
'S mi fo bhròn 's tu gam dhìth

Dhèanainn treabhadh dhuit is buan
Chumainn suas thu gun dìth
Bheirinn as a' ghreabhal chruaidh
Do mo luaidh teachd an tìr

Ged nach eil sinn fhathast pòsd'
Tha mi'n dòchas gum bi
Fhad' 's a mhaireas mo dhà dhòrn
Cha bhith lòn oirnn a dhìth

English Translation:

Bheir mi ò hu ò hò
I am sorrowful without your company

Many nights wet and cold
I took a trip all by myself
Until I reached the place
Where was my heart's fair love

Chorus (after each verse):
Bheir mi ò hu ò hò
Bheir mi ò hu ò hì
Bheir mi ò hu ò hò
I am sorrowful without your company

I would plough and reap for you
I would keep you unfailingly
I would like to take from the hard gravel
A livelihood for my love

Although we are not yet married
I hope we will be
As long as I have my two hands
We will want for nothing...


