New Drynites Commercial Secret Weapon

  • 10 years ago
The Economist has explicit guidelines about writing clearly for a non expert audience. They also report on pretty recent research, so you can stay relatively close to the research frontier.

The Financial Times has,IMO, excellent coverage of World News (not just finance stuff!).

These are paying options, but well worth the money, and it's fairly easy to get a discount.

Other than that, regular listening to the news on BBC World Service and NPR will get you covered on domestic and foreign issues.
You aren't the only one. I always thought they flew using what I now know is their wing covers. They say you learn something new every day. I like when the thing I learn is obscure and random like this. At some point in the future I will tell this fact to a friend who will think I'm a little weird for knowing about a ladybug's wings. This will most likely happen the next time a ladybug lands on me while I'm with a friend.
Persona non grata is what you're talking about. It sometimes is used for misbehavior by diplomAts, but is also often used (or arguably misused) as a way of expressing displeasure with the diplomat's country.
Sugar Glider, soo much work.
Pretty much like a newborn baby, for 15 years or so
Well, expulsion would be the first step if it's a particularly bad student. In reality, we shouldn't simply kick the student to the curb. There should be some framework to help the student make better choices next time around. A lot of these kids have crappy parents, so maybe the parents should have a support framework as well.
Suicide Squad
Lol hope that's a bug because if not that's pitiful.
wear a seatbelt.
The question isn't "What should colleges offer". Maybe you should head back to 5th grade and up your reading comprehension.
It's your story man. You were doing great so far. Let me know if you continue
Aaaand now it has a taste for human. Nice going lady, this is the start of the zombie apocalypse.
So Alexander conquered an Egyptian dynasty named after his general who took over after he died? That makes sense.
Because Reddit is insane and should be put in a mental hospital.
I was not aware it was the airports duty to make sure he gets on the correct plane. Do they watch your kids and direct them when they fly alone?
When I read the title I assumed this was about Kim Jong Un, as I couldn't think of any other Kim - turns out it was some other Kim.
I agree with you. even if they dont teach it or require it...knowing how a car goes backwards should be necessary for being "able to handle a vehicle"
Holy shit I didn't realize this wasn't a comedy sketch until I read your comment.

While I do value PTO, I barely use it and end up just getting it paid out.

Take the PTO days instead of the cash, spend some time with friends and family, or even just a day to do nothing while the kids are in school or something. You won't regret it!
Only if there's follow-up stories about 11 & 12 year olds having gang bangs.
I am 29 and tried to read the word 'segue' in front of my wife. I said 'see-go'. She gabbed the paper away from me having no idea what I said and the proceeded to laugh at me.
He probably knows someone at the school.
Keep thinking critics determine how good something is.

Here, have a history lesson.
You're 18, so yeah you're basically living at your dad's based off his generosity.

There may be state laws that govern a process he'd have to use to kick you out, but ultimately he can kick you out.

I'd say the first you thing you need to do is to stop blaming him for your issues. He may not be willing to help you (and that sucks), but he's also under no obligation to help you.

I suggest kissing his butt so you don't get kicked out (despite how distasteful this might be), getting/borrowing a bike, and getting a job.

Once you have your own money, you can move out, be independent, and not have to put up with anyone else's crap.
I'll be taking that, excuse me, pardon me, just taking this box somewhere safe.
Yea, but when you know that most Americans who still get their news from fox, or any televised news outlet for that matter, are well over their 40's on average. I'd ask who was polled, and their average age group, because I have a feeling that people who trust fox, or CNN are already biased towards a candidate. Fox News is just more of an echo chamber for people who already agree with the analyst they provide. Same with cnn