WEB NEWS - Actor Orlando Jones lauches 'Bullet Bucket Challenge'

  • 10 years ago
In this edition: actor Orlando Jones launches the “Bullet Bucket Challenge” to denounce police brutality; India's Finance Minister sparks an online outcry; and a man racing his pet parrot.
Thousands of celebrities and the less well-known have already taken on the "Ice Bucket Challenge" which consists of pouring a bucket of ice cold water over your head, in the name of awareness about the degenerative disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS. American actor Orlando Jones however has launched a twist on this initiative, and instead of drenching himself with liquid he poured a bucket of shell casings over his head. He calls it the "Bullet Bucket Challenge" and was sparked by the recent killing of Michael Brown, the unarmed teen who was shot dead by a police officer in Ferguson, USA on August 9. 
In a short message posted to his Tumblr blog along with the video, the actor slams the regular police brutality towards the black community. He says these officers represent a tiny proportion of the country`s law enforcement agents but they show the USA`s peace keepers in an extremely poor light. He says this police violence has gone on too long and needs to be stopped immediately.
The aim of the “Bullet Bucket Challenge” is to raise awareness about police brutality, and the violence that exists in the world in general, and it is gaining ground online. As we can see from these clips currently doing the rounds online, there are a growing number of web users following Orlando Jones` lead and dumping a bucket full of shell casings over their head. This web user has also given the original “Ice Bucket Chal... Go on reading on our web site.
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