[So Sweet] OnKey Moment at Japan TV

  • 10 tahun yang lalu
Their Eyes NEVER LIE
like there was something SPECIAL between Them ♥ ♥

and Onew show it..
How he take care Bummie.. How he look Bummie.. Aw..aw..
If Bummie is Me.. I will died everyday coz Onew make me blushing n crazy everyday keke

I think This song really fit This Video..
coz there are lyrics song fit with OnKey

" You're the sugar sweet to kick off my day
The perfect gift without a doubt
My eyes light up when you're around
I might be addicted to you now

You're so sweet, like honey after midnight
You melt my heart like chocolate in the sunlight
So sweet, like candy after bedtime
But all I need, yeah, you're so sweet "

OnKey's Love So Sweet ♥ ♥ 

OnKey's REAL ♥ ♥
