U.S. defends decision to ban flights to Israel

  • 10 years ago

STORY: Hamas does possess rockets that can reach Israel's Ben Gurion airport although the accuracy of the rockets does remain limited, the U.S. State Department said on Wednesday.

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said Hamas' anti-aircraft missile capabilities are still being determined and there is no evidence the Islamist group has used them.

"During current fighting Hamas rockets have landed north of the airport although the accuracy of their rockets does remain limited," Harf said.

"We don't have confirmation that Hamas has launched heat-seeking anti-aircraft missiles during the current conflict, or that Hamas has access to the type of anti-aircraft missiles like those we saw brought down (the) Malaysian aircraft in Ukraine," she added.

American aviation authorities extended a ban on U.S. flights to Tel Aviv for the second day on Wednesday, spooked by rocket salvoes out of Gaza.