EU-Ukraine deal: how will Russia react?

  • 10 years ago
Elsewhere in the EU, they've closed down border posts like this.

Here on the Polish border, a new one is just opening to visitors from Ukraine.

Full EU membership is what Ukraine wants.

It's a step closer to it with a new trade and cooperation pact with the EU, signed in Brussels.

Last November, former president Viktor Yanukovich tipped Ukraine into months of violence when he spurned a previous accord.

For current president, Petro Poroshenko, the new one's a two-way street.


"Ukraine takes enormous commitment in terms of reform but it is a document of joint ownership and joint responsibility, so in the spirit of the political association we also expect the European Union to put an effort to support our sovereign choice and protect Ukraine independence."

There's now hope Ukraine can follow the same path of growth as Poland and others after similar deals.

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