Amber Carreon - Different

  • 10 years ago
I don't know why you didn't call
And I don't know why you do this.
It makes me want to cry
Because I feel so worthless.

You set yourself up for anger
When you ask me time and again,
Which doesn't make any sense cause
You didn't act like this back then.

I want to have the old you back
Which I have a feeling that I wont
Because it just feels different now
When you do things that I don't.

You tell me that you love me
And I try to listen to you,
But when you do things like this
I question if its true.

I'm madly in love with you,
And think of you all the time.
But when I want to talk to you
You make me wait in line.

It shouldn't be like this;
I shouldn't be this sad.
I know that I'm imperfect
But I think I have
The right to have a boyfriend
That treats me a good way,
Not where he chooses if he
Wants to call me today.

I know I do things wrong
Sometimes in our relationship
But I like to talk it out with you
Instead of letting your face drip
With tears from your very sad eyes
Knowing all I have to give you is lies.

Amber Carreon