Akasha Love - The red sea

  • 10 years ago
My heart bleeds from the loneliness,
My head explodes from the fear,
My body shuts down from all the stress,
Judgement becomes clouded,
My memory fades,
My heart yearns,
My lips crave,
My stomach- full of razorblades aches,
My weary eyes gaze into nothingness,
Seemingly all alone immersed in this pain,
Knifes stab my chest,
All I am is unrest,
My soul cries,
Please help me,
I'm lost in a dark red sea,
The red sea of fear engulfs you,
Pulling you under,
Bleeding you dry,
No more tears left in these eyes,
You take everything away from me dark red sea,
But I shall not give in because you cannot take away my soul,
Its golden and full of love,
You will never turn it black with you’re hate,
You make it stronger and create more love,
I will just love you as I love all,
I wish you well,
Love is all you need,
That is a fact indeed.

Akasha Love

